Unless their first names are something like Oxford, Collins or Webster, and their last name is Dictionary, woke-iots have no business dictating language. And if they forget their place, you just tell them two words: Shut up!
A crazy woke-iot in British Columbia recently came out swinging on Twitter, claiming that the word “addict” was “stigmatized” and, therefore, must not be used. Well, we all know words that have been stigmatized and labelled as such in dictionaries, such as the N-word. But “addict” is not only an approved term, but also a technical and clinical term.

According to that lunatic woke-iot, here’s what we are supposed to say instead:

Ridiculous. Why should anyone choose to drop a simple, two-syllable word like “addict” in favour of a convoluted six-word jumble? Has “addict” become an insult or swear word and dictionaries have forgotten to take note? When you’re having an argument with someone, would you call your verbal sparring partner a “raving lunatic” or an “addict” to insult them? Has “addict” become a synonym of the F-word? “Get the addict out of here, you addicting moron!”—is not really something we hear.
The only reason why anyone would want to forego using the word “addict” is when they are in denial and mentally ill—both typical conditions of addicts. In fact, an addict is mentally ill even before taking to drugs, because using such drugs as heroin or cocaine is something only mentally ill people do. And denial in itself is a mental illness as well: refusing to accept reality is hardly the hallmark of a sane and mentally stable individual. One could, therefore, argue that most mentally ill people will eventually become addicts of one kind or another. A natural progression, if you will. And the logical outcome of mental illness if the person never receives proper treatment.
Wokeism itself is a mental illness, which is why all woke-iots exhibit the full gamut of symptoms associated with mental problems: obsessive, compulsive behaviour while tilting at windmills, accompanied by a total lack of reason and intelligence.
Dictating language to other people is also a form of mental illness, such as narcissism. It is what psychopaths and sociopaths do. Giving in to such people is the wrong approach, because it would enable them. Therefore, when woke-iots tell you not to use this word or that word, you should, and must, use those words regularly and frequently: addict, addict, addict, addict, addict, addict, addict, addict… .
Shut up, you addicted-up woke-iots and addict off!