Can the world get any more ridiculous?

They put people in a bubble for two years. The media and (authoritarian) politicians loved it. At long last, they were able to boss people around, take away their personal rights, lock them inside their homes, destroy lives and livelihoods, and force them to inject untested substances into their bodies.

Yes, the pandemic that never was. Covid was a more agressive type of flu virus, and while many people died, it most certainly wasn’t a true pandemic—to date, Covid has killed less than one per cent of the world’s population, but even those figures were inflated, as many people who had tested positive and then died of completely unrelated causes, such as road accidents, were included in the death toll.

But here’s what we know now: putting people in a bubble for two years has wreaked havoc on their immune system. They are no longer able to fight off even the most common germs and viruses without suffering really drastic consequences. And so the media, who love “fear porn”, and certain politicians have begun tracking the flu—yes, the regular old flu that’s always been our companion at this time of the year—as if it were a pandemic of unprecedented magnitude. Without even the slightest trace of cynicism, it is safe to assume that we’ll soon see the day when people with a paper cut will be ordered into quarantine.

You’d better believe it, because this is the way this ever more ridiculous world of ours is headed. It seems that certain elites want to create a world of sissies, of useless and mindless crybabies who can be ordered around and will never dare to talk back.

That the flu can and does kill people is nothing new. Every year, many people die as a result (at greater rates than from Covid, one should add), and that includes those who got flu shots. Most people never bother with flu shots, and any attempt to make them mandatory would be met by an uprising the likes of which we have never seen before.

Even the booster shots for Covid have proved futile. As scientists have explained, the immune system creates a profile for any given virus the first time it encounters it, such as through infection or vaccination. Any time thereafter the immune system encounters it again, it will use that original profile in fighting it off. In other words, even 500 booster shots will not reprogram the profile the immune system has stored.

Anyone with a working immune system, in fact, never required a Covid vaccine. That vaccine was intended only for people with an already compromised immune system. Most people can fight off Covid, and much worse, on their own without vaccines or other measures.

Here’s the sad truth about life, though: if your immune system is weak or faulty, even a vaccine can’t help you. If you followed the news, you’ll know that plenty of vaccinated people (with at least two shots) died from Covid. And if Covid doesn’t finish you off, something else will. That’s the lottery of life for you—not always fair, but it is what it is: if your body is too weak to exist, you won’t be long for this world.

The media and governments, however, now have blood on their hands. By placing people in a bubble, against their will, they have ensured an even greater number of people with a compromised and dysfunctional immune system. After two years of mandatory masking, distancing, lockdowns and curfews, many people have been turned into sissies that can easily be knocked down by a cold or slight breeze in the air. Unfortunately, young kids, in particular, have adapted to this “brave new world” and are now more vulnerable than ever. Coming back to paper cuts yet again, yes, they could quite literally die from a paper cut now.

If you’re looking for the people you can thank (or punish) for this, look no further than your local media and politicians.

Werner George Patels is a polymath and polyglot, who spends his time translating, reading, writing, and remastering music. He lives happily in beautiful and gorgeous Québec.


