Welcome to Werner’s Pearls of Wisdom

  • What is the true history of our planet?

    Imagine an archaeologist finds an eleven-million-year-old computer—and it still works! The information on that computer sets the record straight, providing irrefutable proof that the history and religions we have been taught are all wrong. The Vatican, among other powerful groups and organizations, immediately assigns assassins to kill anyone who’s come into contact with that computer.

  • Are we alive… or in hell?

    Life is no bed of roses, it is hard and precarious. As we go through life, we are always literally just a step away from hardship, pain, suffering, disability and death. To stay alive, and make sure that our body doesn’t “break”, we need to work feverishly and pay attention at all times. We need…

  • Exclusive 2021 interview with Steve Jobs

    Once in a while, the wall between us and other parallel universes becomes porous for reasons that are beyond our comprehension. This is how I came about picking up a television transmission from another parallel universe.

  • This is 2021—no need for geo-blocking

    Jotting down some notes and thoughts for my readers on Facebook yesterday, I mentioned the term geo-blocking. I think everyone’s painfully familiar with this inconvenient feature of the internet: you go to a site, including YouTube, to look at some specific content, and the site tells you, sorry, this content, video, etc. is not available…

  • «Friends» reunion: as stale and unappetizing as a stranger’s high-school reunion

    I’m curious: do you ever go to someone else’s high-school reunion? Of a school you never attended and where you don’t know anyone? I don’t know about any of you, but I couldn’t be bothered even to attend my own high-school reunion.